6 Green Terms: Which Ones Can You Trust?

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Whats really green? Soon youll have a little more confidence about green product marketing claims, such as biodegradable and recyclable: The Federal Trade Commission, which sets standards for the use of environmental claims in its Green Guides, is getting tougher on green terms.

Proposed revisions to the Green Guides will make it harder for companies to make unsubstantiated green claims about their products.

So when is all this happening? An FTC official we spoke to says the revisions may be final this summer. Until then -- and even after then, since the guides dont have the force of regulation -- put on your skeptics hat when you shop and be prepared to research labels before you buy.

1. Organic: a green term that really means something

Organic is the one term in our list thats federally regulated -- by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, to be specific. Product makers making this claim must prove their stuff is produced without antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, irradiation, or bioengineering. Period.

FTC is cracking down on these terms

2. Recyclable.After the new guidelines are adopted, a manufacturer can use this term without a caveat only if a substantial majority of communities nationwide have facilities that can actually recycle its product. Before you buy, do your homework to see what youre able to recycle locally. Also, take a closer look when a product claims to be recycled (a term thats not covered in the Green Guides).

What you really want to look for is post-consumer recycled content. These products have been diverted from the landfill, so youre truly helping reduce the waste stream when you buy them.

3. Biodegradable.When you see this term, you think, Great, I dont need to worry about throwing this away; itll break down naturally. But many products labeled biodegradable need ideal composting conditions to break down -- and some wont degrade even then.

The FTCs new guidelines require that products or packaging labeled degradable break down within a year in normal disposal conditions.

Heads-up: That means the term likely wont apply to anything youd throw in the trash, because items simply dont degrade in landfills. Its far better to reduce waste in the first place than to expect it to disappear.

4. Compostable. In the future, products with this claim shouldnt take any longer to break down than the rest of your compost pile.

5. Non-toxic.The FTCs new guidelines say that non-toxic claims should mean the product isnt harmful to humans and safe for the environment. But research the product online if the label is vague. And definitely dont assume kids or pets can ingest it safely.

The fuzziest green term of all

6. Natural is unregulated by the government. Its not interchangeable with organic or healthy, although manufacturers want you to think if its natural, it has to be good for you, right? Not so much. Take ammonia. Its a naturally occurring compound, but its also a toxic pollutant. Without context, the word natural doesnt mean much.

A label to help you decide

When youre just not sure about a products claims, look for certification by a reputable third party -- like Scientific Certification Systems.

Its green-and-blue SCS label provides some reassurance that a product lives up to its claims. SCS sets tough standards for the terms biodegradable and recycled content, according to BuildingGreen, an independent company that educates building professionals on green certifications. And the label has been around a long time.

Some SCS guidelines:

  • SCS only certifies liquid products as biodegradable -- cleaners, detergents, and soaps that break down completely in natural conditions in 28 days.

  • Recycled products include a wide array of building products -- windows, doors, insulation, carpets, tiles, and more -- so seek them out.

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