Home Sellers To-Do List

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1. Declutter!

First, start by getting everything organized and ready for the open house and eventually the move. Throw away the things you don’t need and begin compartmentalizing the things you do need into boxes. Don’t forget to mark every box with what is in each one and whatever you do, don’t pack up the things you need on a daily basis (toothbrush, pajamas, etc.) as it’s not time to move JUST yet.

2. Fix what’s broken.

Take a walk around your home and imagine as if you were taking a look from a buyer’s point of view. Is the handle to the door loose? Tighten it! Are there a few light bulbs out in the basement? Change them! Take note of the small fixes and if there are big fixes, decide if it is something you should be repairing before the house goes on the market.

3. Clean, clean, clean.

Don’t like cleaning? Then hire a cleaning service, because one of the most important things you should do when selling your home is making sure it’s clean before it gets viewed by potential buyers. Take one room at a time to ensure each space in the house is presentable. No one wants to put an offer on a dirty home!

4. Set a price.

Work with a real estate agent to determine the best selling price for your home. Keep in mind the time of year in which you plan to sell the home (springtime is said to be the best time as it is after the holiday season in December/January and right before people go on summer vacation).

5. Improve curb appeal.

The first thing anyone sees when they pull up to your home-for-sale is the way your front lawn looks. Don’t give them a reason to turn around right away?—?make sure everything is in order and the trash bins are stored away. Invest in new shrubbery and flowers for the walkway up as well as a welcome mat so potential buyers feel right at home the minute they ring the bell.

6. Find all the keys!

This tip is especially important the minute your house is sold. There is a good chance the new home owners will want to change all the locks, however it’s important to start collecting any and all keys to the garage, front/side door and anywhere else you think there is a lock so the new owners feel secure in their new home.

7. Check every corner of the house.

Even if you think you’ve done a few too many “once-overs” of the home to make sure you’ve got everything packed away, do one more “check” of the home. Check in cabinets, under furniture and literally in the corners of your home to see if you forgot anything else before passing on the keys to the new homeowner.

8. Cancel utilities.

Don’t forget this one (because many sellers do). Take the time to cancel all utilities in your old home and start new utilities in your new home! You’ll be happy you did and so will your wallet as you won’t be stuck paying two sets of utility bills.

9. Create a moving checklist.

Once the house is sold, what do you need to do to get everything out and into your new humble abode? Create an inventory of what you will be bringing and ask a real estate agent for recommendations on local moving services, so you can rent a truck in advance.

10. Find an awesome real estate agent.

Everything listed above goes a lot smoother when you have a real estate agent by your side. In fact, my job is to help you see these to-do’s and more so you don’t miss a step during one of the biggest moments of your life?—?selling (and buying) a new home.

Feel free to contact to me today and we can get started!

*Excerpt courtesy of Propert Simple 

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