Don't Be Caught in the Cold!

Don't Be Caught in the Cold!

We don't get much winter weather here in Houston, but some is sure headed our way today!! With temperatures dropping into the 30's, tons of rain in the forecast and even the chance of snow predicted, I wanted to provide some helpful hints to get your home, plants and pets ready for the freeze!

Pet Preparation

  • Please bring your pets inside!
  • Houston Humane Society is offering free pet crates as an option to keep pets inside safely

Plant Preparation

  • Water your plants before it gets cold - you're probably okay this time around as we're getting tons of rain!
  • Bring potted plants inside or place in your garage
  • Cover any landscaping outside to protect from freezing temps

Home Preparation

  • Let cold water drip from your faucet
  • Open kitchen & bathroom cabinets
  • Cover or wrap your main water rise pipe with a towel or insulation
  • Shut off the water to your sprinkler's backflow

Safety Tips

  • Space heaters - place on flat surfaces. Do not leave on when you are not home. Do not leave unattended around children or pets. Plug directly into wall outlets vs. power strips. Don't use if the cord or plug is damaged.
  • Fireplace - Make sure your fireplace has been cleaned and serviced before the first use. Do not leave fire going when you are not home. Be conscious of using a fireplace with children and dogs home.
  • Test smoke alarms monthly

Please let me know if you have any questions or need any assistance or further suggestions to prepare your home, pets and plants for the upcoming cold weather. Stay warm friends!!!

Categories: Houston Living
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