How to make 2021 better than 2020

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We all probably had a rough 2020, but that does not mean that 2021 needs to be as rough. Here are somethings that could help make this new year a bit better and make you feel happier.

1. Read a New Book

Reading usually helps me learn new things that I did not know and keeps me busy. You can always try audio books as well if you prefer to listen rather than reading. 

2. Go Exercise

I have found that exercise has helped me start my day. I wake up early to go to the gym and get my day started. Even if it is only 30 minutes, it will make a difference in your daily life.

3. Meditate

It is important for our mental health to medidate. To start off, you can begin by learning easy breathing exercises.

4. Make Better Food Choices

We are tempted by delicious food everyday but it does not mean that we can't eat it. You can always eat your favorite food but do not forget to add your vegetables and fruits. Remember that you do not need to subtract foods from your life but it is better to just ADD the good stuff in your life. 


It is so importat to stay hydrated. I have always been told that drinking half your weight in Oz. is the way to go. For example, if I weigh 150 pounds, I should at least be drinkning 75oz a day.

All we can do this new year is try to do things that will make us feel better after the rough year we have had. 

*these are all things that I PERSONALLY do to feel better. Everyone can be different so keep that in mind. 

Categories: EducationGeneralGreen Living
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