Should sellers be told a showing is for a preview?

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The seller asked, "Am I being over protective to get upset when I find out that an agent made an appointment to see my house but was alone and took pictures?" she said she was previewing.

Previewing is not exactly the same as showing but if the client has directed the agent in what they are looking for, the agent is trying to meet their needs so previewing the house would serve the same purpose as showing in this instance.  The agent should never take pictures without permission from the homeowner.

When I am showing or previewing I like the seller to be there, there are several reasons for that: 1. The buyer can ask questions that I can not ask or answer, about the neighborhood or the schools. 2. The seller can point out additional value of the home that the space in the mls description does not allow for. 3. I have found that puting a face on the buyer and seller helps in the negotiation process.  Most agents prefer the seller not be there, it can slow down the process if the buyer is looking at several houses in one outing. 

There is always the danger that the seller might say something that could damage the deal so sellers need to be forewarned to be careful what they do say, something as simple as that guy next door has two beautiful basset hounds, sounds ok, but if the buyer doens't like dogs or thinks that they might howl at the moon all night the deal can be lost.

Seller's shouldn't be afraid to ask when agents make the appointment if it is a preview or showing, in either case it is a chance for someone to see your home and possibly bring a buyer so it's all good!!
Categories: Home SellingGeneral
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