What Realtors would like our Clients to know

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I would like everyone to know that we Realtors don't have a 9-5 job that we can just walk away from and not think about on Friday afternoon until we get back on Monday morning.  We lay awake nights worrying about all the little details that have to fit together just right in order get to closing so you can have an easy experience.  We feel guilty at closing when the sellers looks at the HUD and gets that look of total disgust that all his money is going to these two people sitting here, who as far as he is concerned did next to nothing.
You don't know that in most cases we don't get to keep it all, or the amount of money we have spent in advertising your home or the hours in classes that are not cheap either just so we can make sure you are protected.  You don't have a problem raising your voice to us when something happens that was out of our control.  You don't remember the conversations we had about why you should or should not accept or negotiate different aspects of the deal when it all goes south.
You also don't know that we are just as excited on closing day as you are, that when you smile at each other when the keys are put in your hands that we are fighting back the tears of pure joy that we had something to do with this moment.
You don't know that we are a special group of people that take great pride and pure joy in helping others find or sell a Home.  We fight for you and I mean real screaming fights at times just to protect your interest and make sure you are getting everything that your want, need and deserve.  We are like a mother hen keeping an eye out at all times for the dangers and herding all the other players in the transaction to the final closing day.
You forget us after awhile but we never forget you, we were your voice, your protecter, your counselor, your friend for those few weeks or months.  You told us things that even your closest friends didn't know and knew it would go no farther, you trusted us and that meant everything. 
This is why we keep doing the things we do and love every minute of it, no two days are alike, not two clients are alike, we have an amazing job that is like none other and we wouldn't trade all those sleepless nights for that 9-5 job.  Thank you
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