School year 2020/2021

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As the kids and adults start back to school, lets remember to have patience and consideration to all the parents and guardians that are overseeing virtual lessons while juggling their own work from home schedules, during our on-going COVID-19 pandemic restrictions.

Personally, my children are working from home as they help their elementary age children navigate virtual lessons. What a time we live in now. I hope it will all clear by Thanksgiving. 

One good thing; the number of COVID cases are reducing as people are masking up, washing their hands, and social distancing. Another good thing; Real Estate is still GREAT! Mortgage rates are still low. So now is a good time to buy. And homes, if priced competitively, are selling within a few weeks. 

You all have a great start to school.  

And remember, I am available to help you navigate the processes of buying a home or selling your home. 


Categories: General
Local: Pasadena
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