Pearland Homes are Selling during Covid

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I've been getting asked the question, " Is now a good time to sell my home with everything going on with Covid?"

My answer is yes, but only if you price it right for condition and location. We know we can't change location, but this conversation usually leads to the next question, "What do I need to do to have my home in the right condition to get the best offer?"

This is where experence matters and despite the virtual listing consults that I am having with customers, I have found that to get it right I am still needing to walk the property before we take photos and launch so that I can make the recommendations to help my sellers put our best foot forward. When we do this complete process, it seems to be continuing to work despite the serious issues outside of real estate.

Check out the numbers's below from what I closed during Covid. Check out days on market (DOM) which is great news for sellers in the Pearland and surround areas. 

My advice to owners who are thinking about selling during this season is to team up with a local expert, who has a solid record, online reviews, great online marketing & followup practices, and PRICE it right for condition and location!!! Then you will have a better chance of enjoying a smooth closing!

Click the sold during Covid link below for details of what has closed with me in the area!

Sold During Covid 

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