Whati its like to be a new Broker in Houston

Who new there would be so much to opening my own Brokerage.  I thought I had it all covered.  Every moment of everyday something else comes my way.  And, the cost is unreal.  Brokers pay so much more for everything.  Tomorrow I will submit my LLC to the Sec. of State.  God only how much that is going to cost.  I want to charge my sponsored sales agents as little as possible.  But, I have to cover the cost of doing business.  I plan on blogging daily to share my experience in being a Broker and Building a Successful Brokerage.  Hope there are people out there that want to hear about. 

Dinner with friends tonight.  Hope it isn't very expensive.  LOL

Pride St. Realty is a Reality.

Tom Eickleberry - Broker

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