Health Screening is a Life Saver

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7/22/2011 - Ms Beggs it's CANCER!  Blah blah blah - I didn't hear anything after that five letter word.  So glad a friend was there to take notes.

I had all the symptoms, but I'm also a woman, so I didn't pay any attention to them.  The doctor said if I had gotten a colonoscopy a few years earlier I would have prevented this!  So, I'm telling you NOW, from experience, screening saves lives.

A colonscopy is a simple and easy procedure.  It's the cleanout process that sucks!  LOL  And if you can handle one day of staying close to the bathroom (which you probably have because you were sick) then you can do this.  Once, you are done, your doctor will probably tell you come back in 3-5 years.  Easy Peezey!

Because I shared my story, a few friends decided to go ahead and get their first one done.  One actually had a cancerous polyp removed that saved her from what I went through.  Her doctor said she was now clear to come back in 3-5 years!  The others were all fine!

I have been cancer free since August 2012 and will continue to encourage everyone to get checked.  If you have insurance, take advantage of all preventive healthcare options.  And truly, don't wait until you are 50 as some doctors still suggest.  If there is cancer in your family line, then get it checked!  Medicine has advanced now in so many ways that you can check without the colonoscopy.  If that's the case, then I advise you do it!

Thank you for reading my blog - and I wish you a healthy 2020!

Take care, Kim

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