A New Kind of Home Buyer: Tips for Marketing Your Home to Millennials

A young millennial couple standing in front of the home they've just purchased.

Millennials get a lot of flack, but theyre an important part of the real estate market. In fact, they make up the largest generational percentage of home buyers right now!

So, if youre planning on selling your home soon, its important to keep the average millennial home buyer in mind. This generation is unlike any thats come before it, and the way they buy everything (from laundry detergent to life insurance) is unique.

When it comes to catching the eye of the discerning millennial home buyer, heres what you need to do:

Create a Strong Internet Presence

It goes without saying that millennials rely on the Internet for, well, everything. This isnt unusual: the Internet makes every kind of shopping easier and more accessible.

As such, giving your home an effective online presence is key. It needs to be easy to find via the most popular home-buying networks, and it has to look great no matter the screen size. After all, more home buyers than ever before are using their smartphones to find their dream home.

Dont Underestimate the Importance of Professional Listing Photos

A beautiful modern kitchen.

Because millennials rely on the Internet to search homes for sale, your homes photos have to stand out in a big way. After all, with the right photographer even the smallest home can look like a palace.

So, dont skimp on this expense! Great photos could be the difference between a home selling within hours, and a home languishing on the market for months.

Show How Your Home Will Improve their Lifestyle

Millennials are looking for homes that will improve their lifestyles and be close to wherever they need to be during the week. As you market your home online, be sure youre highlighting both its features and location in your listing description.

Tell an exciting story of how much better their life will be once they buy your home! Craft your listing description to carefully touch on all the best parts of your home and its surroundings, and let buyers know exactly why they need to buy it.

Know What Millennials are Looking for in a Home

A pair of hands typing on a smart phone.

So, what are millennials looking for anyway? Market research finds that millennial buyers are attracted to affordable homes with eco-friendly and smart features. If your home has any green features or environmentally friendly add-ons, youll definitely want to highlight them.

In addition, if youve outfitted your home to accommodate any smart features that use technologylike a Nest thermostat or other Smart Home appliancesbe sure to mention that in your listing description and social media promotion.

Use a Pro to Market Your Home

The easiest way to market your home to millennials? Work with a real estate specialist who understands this unique marketand how to best target real estates next generation of buyers.

Give us a call today for more information about selling your home to millennials!

The post A New Kind of Home Buyer: Tips for Marketing Your Home to Millennials appeared first on Fort Bend County Real Estate, Lifestyle and Home Maintenance Blog.

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