9 Top Tips That'll Help You Sell Homes Faster

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9 Top Tips That'll Help You Sell Homes Faster

9 Top Tips That'll Help You Sell Homes Faster

If you need to sell homes faster, then you need to check out these nine tips and take action! Click here for more information on the subject!

Keyword(s): sell homes faster

You recently bought your new dream home but haven't sold your old home yet. The bills are piling up and now you owe on two mortgages each month.

You need to sell your old home, and fast!

With today's housing market, homes sell in an average of three weeks. While that is quick, that still leaves at least three weeks of uncertainty and worry.

If you need to sell homes faster, read these nine tips and take action today.

1. Find the Right Price Point

The best piece of home selling advice? Find the right price point for your home.

If you find that your home won't sell, you may be asking too much for it.

When deciding on a price, look at the following factors:

  • What are similar homes listed for?
  • What are the current market conditions? Are there a lot of homes for sale or very few?
  • What makes your home's location desirable? Look at proximity to downtown areas, school district, and crime rates.

You also need to consider how long you are willing to wait for your home to sell. If you want it gone now, consider lowering the price. If you have some leeway, wait for the right buyer.

2. List with an Agent

Real estate agents are experts in selling homes. Using an agent is the more traditional route, but it does cost you time and effort.

Agents will help you with the following things:

  • Market and advertise your home.
  • Communicate with potential buyers.
  • Negotiate terms of the sale.
  • Host open houses and home showings.

Using an agent does cost money. You will agree upon a commission amount if the home sells within a specific period of time.

3. Accept a Fast Cash Offer

Don't want the hassle of listing with an agent? Want a quick and easy selling process? Take advantage of home buying businesses.

Home buying businesses offer fast cash offers to sell your home in a matter of days. You'll provide the company with your home's details. The company will then provide you with a written offer, which you can accept or deny.

By using a fast cash offer, you receive the following benefits:

  • You don't need to stage your home or make repairs.
  • Avoid the stress of finding the right buyer.
  • Save money by not paying an agent commission.

Selling a house quick in Texas? Fast Cash Offers buys homes of any condition in the Houston area.

4. Stage Your Home

Staging your home helps you sell your house fast.

The most important thing is to clean up and declutter. No one wants to buy a home that could be on Hoarders.

The stage your home with neutral decor. Leave your bearskin rug and neon-colored walls for your new home.

It's also a good idea to put away family photos and personal items. You want your buyer to picture themselves living there. That's hard to do with your great-grandma Helen staring at them from above your fireplace.

5. Don't Ignore the Outside

When looking to sell your home, don't forget about the exterior of your house.

Your home's curb appeal increases buyer interest. Take the time to plant fresh flowers and weed your garden. Make your front door a focal point with a welcoming rug and proper light fixtures.

If you have a showing that day, concentrate on your buyers first impression. Make sure to mow the grass and rake any leaves from your yard.

Step back and take a long look at your house. What would turn you away as a buyer?

6. Find What's Unique About Your Home

To catch a buyer's interest, find what's unique about your home.

Do you have a pool, indoor theatre, waterfront view? Look at other homes in your area to figure out what is unique to the market.

Once you find your unique element, use that in your marketing. Make it the main focal point to attract the right buyer.

Odds are, someone out there is looking for exactly what your home has to offer.

7. Be Available

If you want to sell your home fast, you need to be available at a moments notice.

The quicker you get a buyer in to look at your home, the quicker they can decide if they want to buy. Set up a system so that someone in your family is available at all times.

The same goes for quick communication. Be sure to answer any questions as soon as they come up.

Have all your home's information handy and organized. That way when someone asks when the last time your air conditioner was serviced, you'll have the answer in minutes.

8. Photos Matter

No matter where, or how, you want to sell homes fast, photos matter.

If a buyer looks at your listing and sees blurry, dark photographs, they'll move onto the next home. Hire a professional photographer who knows how to make your home look as attractive as possible.

Don't want to hire a professional photographer? Keep these tips in mind:

  • Stand in a corner of the room while taking photos. This will get as much of the room into your photo as possible.
  • Take your photos during the day and open up the window treatments. Let as much light into your home as possible.
  • Don't forget to take photographs of the exterior of your home and even the closets. These details matter.

No matter if you take the photos yourself or use a photographer, have photos of every room. This will give the buyer a better idea on if they have an interest in your home.

9. Do Minor Repairs

Minor repairs may be what's standing in the way of your home selling.

Take time to fix that leaking faucet and patch up those nail holes. If a buyer walks in and sees very little repair work needs doing, they're more likely to buy a home.

If you're trying to sell your home fast, don't worry about major repairs. Leave the window and roof replacements for the new owner.

The Best Way to Sell Homes Faster

Now that you know the different tricks to sell homes faster, you need to pick the best option. If speed is your main concern, use a fast cash offer. You'll be handing over your keys within a week.

Get prepared. Read this article for ten mistakes home sellers should avoid in Houston.

Ready to accept a fast cash offer and move into your new home? Contact us today.

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