Welcome to Townhouse Realty & Management’s Blog


Hi – and welcome to our blog page. Join us in this crazy journey of life as we share some tips we’ve learned along the way. The plan is to also offer helpful advice when it comes to managing and maintaining your property, share our thoughts on home ownership and property management, property investment and keep you updated on fun decorating and staging ideas and industry trends.


I can’t say I won’t throw out a few opinions here and there as I’m not exactly known for sugar coating things, but we (at TR&M) have always believed in honesty is the best policy and being true to yourself. I venture to say that our lifestyle is pretty much just as hectic as yours, trying to get that work / life balance and maintaining your sanity along the way and since TR&M has been in the property management business, and buying, selling and leasing properties for over 30 years, we know we have some knowledge to share with you that at some point you WILL be able to use. So we figured, what better way to share ideas and engage in a conversation than using a Blog as a platform.


We hope you like our new website as well. We spent a long time designing it with ease and accessibility in mind. I’m not the most patient person in the world – as I know John will surely attest to, and I spend a lot of time online, so being able to maneuver my way through a web page quickly and finding exactly what I’m looking for easily is important to me and I assume you to.  We tried our best to think about each page, each tab, with users in mind. Hopefully we have accomplished this, we would love to get your feedback!

The site is also much more mobile friendly…yes, we have moved into 2018! We know when you’re out and about and looking at homes, or even if you’re not, that more than likely you are looking at our page on your phone, so it needed to work, look good, and not be all “squiy” as I like to say.


You may also notice that the photos we chose to use represent some of the areas we service. From a great photo of the Houston skyline and all the way to Montgomery County. One of them is of one of my favorite places, Memory Park in Montgomery, Texas. This park has special meaning to our family and my father has placed a great deal of time and effort into making it and keeping it look beautiful. It is worth the visit if you are ever in the area.


So now that we are a little more updated on our technology (yup…we still say we are recording a show and our kids give us an eye roll every time) we can show you our listings quicker and easier. Hopefully you have been following us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter already, so you have been keeping updated on our movements, but now you can really delve deep into what it is we do and what we are about. We invite you to interact, leave comments, ask questions. Thoughts, comments, suggestions, and questions are welcome. We will quickly remove any comments that are offensive, profane, disrespectful or irrelevant.

Not everyone needs a property manager or a realtor every day, but almost everyone needs one sometime. Our hope is that you will remember us when that time comes and give us the opportunity to work with you.

Thanks for reading. If you would like to , we are excited to chat with you!

Nicola & John (occasionally)

The post Welcome to Townhouse Realty & Management’s Blog appeared first on Townhouse Realty.

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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the HRIS.