In 2017, we sold an average of 5 properties a month, some our own and some for our clients. We have learned that home selling is one of the most stressful event in one’s life (Some research put home selling/moving ahead of divorce and on the same level as imprisonment in terms of life stressor, which is scary!)

We also noticed that in today’s society of instantaneous gratification and lack of patience, buyers do not hesitate to terminate contracts during their option period, even for very minor issues and details.

This causes a lot frustration for the sellers as it makes their move harder to plan.

That is why, we are introducing our no-haggle home selling experience. When you hire COZYHOMES to sell your house, we will:

  1. At our cost, order an appraisal of your property
  2. At our cost, order a home inspection

We will disclose both reports to prospective buyers, in order to do 99% of the negotiations upfront and avoid surprises.

To learn more about how we can improve your home selling experience,

please contact: / 713 397 8857 

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