NAR Predicts Existing Home Sales To Grow By 3.7% In 2018

Posted by Jeri Maito
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By Jeri Maito

HOUSTON, TX. – Thanks to the latest data from the National Association of Realtor’s (NAR), we know that they expect the sale of existing homes in the United States to grow by an estimated 3/8% in 2018.

This is a rather conservative estimate, but it’s still encouraging, considering all of the issues right now like the loss of the mortgage debt forgiveness act which could make finances difficult for many people in 2018 and possibly make homeownership less attractive to some.

Still A Good Time To Sell In Houston?

As anticipated, home sales declined some in Q3 of 2017 and this was due to Hurricane Harvey which forced thousands of people to delay buying or selling a home in the Houston TX area because they had to deal with the damage caused by Hurricane Harvey.

“Despite this slight dip in home sales activity in the third quarter of 2017, the Texas housing market is still on pace for another record-breaking year,” Fullerton said. “We need inventory for the housing market to continue to grow in major metropolitan areas like Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston.”


What Does This Mean To You?

If you’re a seller and have been thinking about listing your Houston TX home on the Real Estate market there’s never been a better time to sell than RIGHT NOW because there’s fewer homes for sale than before and a huge demand from buyers who are searching for homes.

To get started with selling your home contact me, Jeri Maito, Realtor® with Red Door Realty & Associates by calling me at (281) 814-5856 or CLICK HERE to connect with me online. 

Categories: Housing MarketGeneralEducation
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