Your Dreams

When I got started in real estate I took a class on making a Vision Board.  I was all about listing my dreams and looking at it every day.  A lot of them were far reaching, but they were my dreams.  Is there something you desire? Maybe a new car, beach home, relationship, vacation in Africa.  This is a way to make your dreams come true.  There is something about putting your dreams out in the universe…..

For me it all began with Africa.  I wanted to go on a safari.  It was on my bucket list.  I never thought I would be able to do it.  I put it on my vision board and looked at it, it helped motivate me to work hard, helping people to buy and sell their homes and to put money away for a rainy day.  A few years later, my brother called me in January and said “we are going to South Africa to visit Jennifer (my niece).  She is serving in the Peace Corps and is living in Lesotho.  Do you want to go?  I will make all the arrangements and you just need to write a check. 

Well, YES, I wanted to go. Badly!!!  I had been dreaming about it for years, never thinking that my dream would come true so soon.  It didn’t cost as much as I thought it would and it was the trip of a lifetime.  To see the animals in the wild the way God intended them.

So, if you are thinking about a new car, a new career, a vacation to some exotic place; or a new home, let’s get together and dream.  Put it down on paper.  Then look at it every day, put it somewhere you will see it.  I put mine in my closet. 

I also had a picture of a dog on there.  Our golden retriever had passed away and we had decided not to get another one.  Well, a year later we ended up adopting a rescue dog sight unseen and he looked just like the one on my vision board.  He is very photogenic and loves to catch balls in the water. 

So if you are thinking of selling your home, and have dreams of what you want, let’s talk.  Let’s make your dream come true….

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