The (He)Art of Negotiating a Real Estate Contract in a Hot Market

When you find that house that you love, be sure you think carefully when making an offer, especially in a hot market. If the house is that great, and the market is hot, you may find yourself in a bidding war with other prospective buyers that love the house as much as you do. The important thing is not to let your emotions get in the way when you and your agent discuss your offer. This situation also reaffirms any doubts you may have had in signing a Buyer’s Representation Agreement. You always want an agent that is working solely on your behalf, so be sure to sign the agreement and have the peace of mind that you have a professional in your corner.

Before you start negotiating, know your realistic highest bid and be prepared to walk away. Trust me, there are other houses out there that are great, too. Everything happens for a reason, so remember, the reason you lost the bid on one house may be because there is a better house/better deal right around the corner that is the one for you! Your best bet in knowing where to start in negotiations is to rely on your REALTOR®. There are many scenarios to consider when bidding on a house:

  • Should you make a full price offer? Offer over full price?
  • Should you ask the seller for any help with closing costs?
  • Should you offer additional earnest money?

These are all valid questions on which your REALTOR® can advise you. The most important thing for you to remember is to refrain from bidding so far over list price that the house will not appraise, or put yourself in a negative equity situation. Your heart will tell you that you love the house, but your smart negotiating skills will make sure you get that house! Abide by the art of negotiation, not the heart of negotiation and you will land your dream home!

Call me today and let me help you negotiate like a pro!

Kathy Reid






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