Watch out! School's back in Session!

Summer ends with a noticeable change in Traffic patterns and it is time to be sure we are mindful of ensuing congestion in areas that were clear during the Summertime.  There are many children on foot traveling back and forth to local schools and after-school activities and we need to be sure that we allow the extra time necessary to safely travel to your destination.  School zones do not allow the use of cellular devices so in the interest of safety, you will need to be sure that you are not texting or emailing while you are in those areas.  The police target school zones for a great source of ticket revenue so don't be one of the unlucky ones that get's caught with a hefty fine for using your cel!

Many families spend their summers out of town on vacations, visiting out of town family and even escaping to a second home in a more favorable climate.  With all of the city's population back on the roads, our traffic is more congested than ever.  Pack your patience and remember that you need to be extra aware as you drive the surface roads and watch out for our future tax payers as they make their way to school and for their parents as they drop off and pick up their carpoolers!

Incidently, with everyone back from everywhere, there seems to be a renewed interest in Real Estate!  Interest rates are still very low and inventory seems to be thinning out in some areas so with prices holding and in many areas, being reduced, you may want to take another look at the sensibility of purchasing or selling before year end!  I am happy to provide you with Market information and assist you to make an informed decision about mapping your plans.

In the meantime, WATCH OUT!  School is back in session!

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