Two Types Of Real Estate Agents

Posted by Ross McEathron

In a perfect world, you’d like to think all Real Estate Agents are alike. Unfortunately, that’s just not the case. Although there are many different personalities and styles of agents out there, I think most of them fall into two major categories. Real Estate Sales and Real Estate Consultants.

You can’t get away from the reality that Real Estate IS about sales. It’s unavoidable. Someone needs to SELL a home and someone needs to BUY a home. As an agent, if you don’t SELL, you won’t make it in this business. Statistics show that nearly 1/3 of all real estate agents don’t earn enough money to make a living after paying their business expenses. This can cause people to do desperate things when they need to put food on the table. Turnover in this business is VERY high!

So, let’s talk about the differences between the two categories of agents I identified above.

Real Estate Sales – To me, this is the Agent that falls in love with every home the minute they walk in the door (or so it seems)! They point out every possible good thing they can find that might convince you to buy the home. They tell you that you can live without some of those really important “needs” you want in a home. They come up with solutions to your problems to get around having to do the hard work it takes to find a home that really fits your needs, wants and desires!

When you are looking at homes with this type of agent, you quickly realize that YOUR wants and desires in a home have taken a back seat to THEIR wants and desires, also known as a commission check. Don’t get me wrong, there are VERY successful Real Estate SALES agents out there but in the end, isn’t the home buying process about fulfilling YOUR wants, needs and desires in a home? I think so!

Real Estate Consultant – A Real Estate Consultant listens to your wants, needs and desires in a home and actually begins the process of finding homes that meet YOUR needs. Everyone has different things they want in a home. Sometimes, we are able to find 100% of the things you want in a home. It’s the proverbial needle in a haystack. The vast majority of the time, we are going to find a home for you that has 90% of the things you want as long as the other 10% we “can’t find” aren’t what we call “deal killers”. If you want a one acre lot but we find the perfect home on an 8,000 square foot lot, that’s a “deal killer” for most people.

Another trait you will find in a Real Estate Consultant is that they not only take your wants, needs and desires seriously but they are willing to tell you the good, the bad and the UGLY! The bad and the UGLY is probably the most important conversation a Real Estate Consultant needs to have with a client. I make certain my clients understand every Real Estate Purchase is really two transactions. The first is the purchase of the property and the second is the eventual sale of the property. If I allow you to purchase a property that backs up to a commercial development, a railroad track, high tensile power lines, a busy street, etc. without warning you of the potential ramifications this will have on the resale value of the home somewhere down the line, I have NOT done my job!

In the end, the choice is certainly yours! You can choose an agent that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy or you can choose an agent that “tells it like it is”. I believe the one that “tells it like it is” is the one looking out for your best interest. If you believe in treating others as you would like to be treated, please spend the time to search for a Real Estate Consultant. That’s a win, win in my book every day of the week!

#RealEstateRoss #RealEstateConsultant #Realtor #Sugarland #Houston

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