Before, During & After a Flood

Posted by Jacob Joseph

Did you know that floods are the number one natural disaster in the United States? Houstonians are well aware of how disruptive flooding can be. So it is important to have a good plan before, during and after a flood to minimize losses in your home and ensure the safety of your family.

One of the important steps in lowering your financial risk during a flood is getting flood insurance. Evaluate the flood risk for your area and see if it makes sense to get flood insurance. There is no guarantee that an area that is not in the flood zone is safe from flooding as was evident in the recent floods in Houston. Please click here to download a PDF version of this checklist.

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Before a Flood

  1. Keep an inventory of your possessions in a safe place
    • Create an ‘In Case of a flood’ file with information about all your possessions and keep it in a secure place. You could also upload an electronic copy of the file to a secure cloud storage. Your file should contain a copy of your insurance policies with contact information, an inventory of your household items, and copies of important documents like financial records/receipts for major purchases. Your inventory of household items should contain a written as well as a visual record (video/photo) of all major items. Store serial numbers and store receipts for all major appliances and electronics. Get expensive jewelry and artwork appraised.

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  2. Prepare your House

    • Clean gutters and downspouts
    • Move furniture, valuables and important documents to a safe place
  3. Prepare a Family Emergency Plan

    • Prepare a safety kit consisting of drinking water, canned food, first aid, blankets, a radio and a flashlight
    • Prepare and practice a flood evacuation route with your family. This should include safe routes that are on higher ground from home, work and school
    • Have a list of emergency telephone numbers
    • Have an out-of-state relative as your emergency contact
    • Prepare a plan to protect pets

During a Flood

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  • Avoid areas subject to flooding and seek higher ground in case of flooding
  • Avoid walking through creeks, flowing streams
  • Avoid driving through flooded roadways
  • Go to the top floor or your attic if water rises in your home before you can evacuate
  • Listen to the latest storm information on a battery operated radio
  • Turn off the main power switch as well as the main gas valve if advised. Make sure you know where the main power switch and gas valve are
  • Wash your hands with soap and disinfected water after you have come into contact with flood water

After a Flood

  1. Call your insurance company/agent to file a claim if your home has suffered damage
  2. Ensure that your home is structurally safe before re-entering
  3. Take pictures of any flood water in your home
  4. Prepare a list of items that were damaged or lost along with their date of purchase and value with receipts. Take pictures of damaged items that need to be disposed off
  5. Have an electrician inspect your system before turning power on
  6. Use boiled water only for preparing food and drinking until local authorities confirm that water supply is safe
  7. Remove wet contents to prevent mold
  8. Clean wet items using bleach and a pine-oil cleanser, dried, and monitored for fungus and odors. Remember to wear gloves and boots while cleaning
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