Seller Advice

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Pecture Perfect: How to Take Great Photos of Your Home



Staging your home for sale is an important part convincing buyers of the quality and value of your property.

With most real estate listings online, the power of a good photo goes beyond a clean space.

Here are some tips to help you take picture perfect photos of your home:

  • Invest in a Quality Camera: Show your buyers the best of your space by investing in a camera that will give you sharp images. Blurry photos do not highlight the space well or give a good first impression. Better images will make homebuyers more eager to see your home. Spending a few extra bucks now might make you extra cash in the long run.
  • Use Natural Light: Take advantage of a sunny day to photograph your home. Natural light makes a space feel warm and inviting while flash creates shadows and reflects off windows or mirrors. (HGTV) Buyers look for homes with extra light so use this as another opportunity to sell your home. Keep in mind when photographing the exterior to make sure the sun is behind you to avoid dark shadows.
  • Show Your Space: No one likes to feel cramped. According to Houzz, buyers want to get a better feel of the movement and floor plan in your home. By photographing in one spot and showing several rooms, you show the buyer an expansive view of the space.
  • Clear the Clutter: You want to give buyers a space to imagine themselves in without feeling like it’s lived in. Store away any unnecessary items that take away from the main focal point of the room. Keep your home clean and tidy. If you’re trying to photograph a small space, make extra room by rearranging furniture or photograph from a doorway. (Design Sponge)
  • Edit the Small Stuff: Don’t worry if you don’t get the exact shot you want. Photo editing sites, like PIXLR, are great for quickly touching up photographs. Crop out what you don’t need or adjust the brightness to enhance the space. Try not to go overboard with editing which can turn off buyers.

Buyers are attracted to homes that have a good presence, and what better way to showcase that than with a good photo. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

#homesellingtip #buyingahouse #katytx #cincoranchtx #rafaellandaverde #realestate

Rafael Landaverde  281 794 5970

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