Selling Through The Holidays

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Its no wonder that November & December are hard months to sell your house - there's enough stress for the holidays without adding the stress of trying to buy and sell a home. Here in the Houston area we don't fight the inclement weather that other states might, but we do have our yucky weekends when no one wants to be out and about. BUT if you do find yourself needing to sell at the end of the year, it is not impossible! Here's a few things to do and remember if you're trying to sell this time of the year


 1. Work with a reliable REALTOR

We have tons of training and experience to fall back on to help you. Not only will a REALTOR market your home and get the word out there, but we can look and see what an outsider would see. Often times homeowners are blind to things in their own home that they would immediately notice in others. We give that fresh perspective and advice on things you might not have noticed. Well done photos and/or a video tour are vital for this time of year. Look at your agent's past work and make sure it will make your home really stand out when the market is slow. A great REALTOR will show your home looking the best. I could go on and on all day about why you should have a REALTOR, but we will save that for another day!

2. Go Ahead and Deck The Halls... a Smidge

Don't go overboard with decorations. It can actually detract from the house, and that's what buyers are there to see! Buyers still want to be able to see their own furniture and their own lives in the homes they are looking at, but a holiday touch can make it feel warm and welcoming. Just be careful about those Christmas carols... we have been hearing them for weeks already and the buyers might just be burned out on them! Just give the house enough to really sparkle!

3. Make the House Cozy

If it is one of those really cold days outside (Yes, all you Northerners, I hear you laughing) make sure the house is a comfortable temperature. Remember that the buyers are likely to have on jackets, so you don't want them to roast when they walk in, but also make sure it isn't too cold either. I have shown houses that are 57 degrees inside, its not really all that fun. If you can make your home smell like the holidays, even better! Spice cakes give off the most wonderful autumny/wintery smell and will help potential buyers associate it in a positive light. If you can't bake a spice cake every time you have a showing (and really, who can) consider a wax warmer so you can leave the house without worrying. Just make sure the scent isn't overpowering and that you don't have conflicting scents. That can turn a buyer off. If you are concerned about it, just don't do it at all.

4. Think About Price

It is probable you will not get the best price possible for your house during this time. There just aren't as many buyers looking and prices are lower during this time of the year. Don't get discouraged, this doesn't mean you are selling your house for pennies! Just remember that you will have fewer showings and fewer interested buyers. If time is of the essence, you may have to take a slightly lower offer than you would have preferred.

5. Closing (a.k.a. Consummation)

Plan on a little longer time between offer and closing if your buyers are getting a loan. With so many holidays crammed in these months, sometimes loan officers and title companies aren't working a full work week. It works like a domino effect. Each time someone takes off, it slows down the process all the way down the line.  Its understandable, albeit sometimes frustrating, but they're people too and need time with families.

6.Stay Positive

It is SO easy to slip into frustration or irritation. Holidays often have tensions running higher than normal and any added stress can feel like a mountain weighing on you. Take a deep breath, take a step back, and have an honest conversation with your agent about what you want, when you need it, and how to best get through this holiday season.

Obviously, there are lots of steps and ways to get through this season trying to sell your house. The biggest hurdle is just understanding what you are up against. Make sure you are asking questions and getting the full picture of what to expect and that will take a ton of stress off your shoulders! Happy Holidays!

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