You are not selling your home to Yourself!

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My dream buyer from 10 years ago called me today and became my dream seller. He and his wife were wanting to put their home on the market and wanted me to please come by and tell them what to do to get it ready to sell! Yes!! So many sellers call their REALTOR after they have made upgrades and improvements that they had always wanted to make, which meant it was their personal taste and style and it often leaves them loving their house again or feeling like it was the way they always wanted the house to look. Well, you aren't selling it to yourself. And so many of the improvements or upgrades are not needed or not done in a way that makes the home more marketable to more people. I was one of those sellers when I sold my own first home before entering real estate. I put in a lovely bright blue carpet (it was the 80's, what can I say) and super white tile in the kitchen that showed every molecule food and dust that happened upon it. When I finally contacted an agent, I know she was horrified at my choices. I was evenly mildly insulted that she didn't think it was as lovely as I thought it was. But my idea of lovely is not always functional or low maintenance or even very lovely to others. I could have sold the home so much more quickly and for more money if I had gotten her input early on. So, do as I say, not as I did, and contact your agent first. I have decided that bringing my favorite stager along to my listing appointment is not a bad idea either. Let the pros suggest what works and what will get you the most bang for your buck. And, my sincere apologies to my first REALTOR!

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