“Keep Out!” 5 Home Maintenance And Repairs That Must Be Taken Care Of Immediately

Where are your home repair dollars best spent? If you’ve been good about home maintenance, home repairs should be neither too intensive nor costly. The following list of home repairs won’t cost much if you take care of them right away, but they can end up costing you so much more if you don’t.

Keep out water

Water damage and repair is costly! Every leak, big or small, can damage your home in a big way and therefore, should be dealt with immediately. Addressing water issues right away will save you from spending a ton of money on repairs or replacing ruined personal items.

Caulk does a great job keeping water out of places it shouldn’t be inexpensively. Wherever water is used inside your home should be checked for possible leaks on a regular basis. For example, sinks, showers and tubs. Windows and doors need to be checked for leaks, too. How to Caulk Like a Pro 

Plumbing leaks, big or small, can damage your home in a big way. That means big money, in a big way. Keep an eye on the plumbing in your home regularly and fix leaks right away.  Top 10 Tutorials for Plumbing Repair

Water damage caused by a leaky roof spells trouble and a ton of money. A leaky roof should be dealt with immediately to avoid structural damage, mold growth and the loss of personal and household items, and therefore, costly repairs. Identifying Roof Problems 

Drainage problems caused by clogged gutters, downspouts that don’t direct water away from your home (or neighbors’ downspouts that direct water toward your home) and improper grading put your home’s foundation at risk. All of these problems are just asking for a wet basement and thousands of dollars in repairs. How To Trouble Shoot Wet Basement ProblemsEasy Outside Repairs for a Wet Basement

A fresh coat of paint makes your home look well-maintained, and keeps it dry and free of rot. Don’t allow peeling paint to ruin your home’s good looking exterior and spend your hard earned dollars. Exterior House Painting Preparation12 Reasons Your House Paint Failed

Keep out lint

There is a difference between your dryer vent and your dryer lint trap. You probably clean your dryer lint trap often, especially since your clothes will dry more efficiently when the lint trap is clean, but when was the last time you cleaned out your dryer vent? Wet lint builds up in the vent and turns into a fire hazard for your home. Play it safe. Take care of your family and your investment. Clean your dryer vent. Dryer Vent Cleaning – Dryer Repair 

Keep out creosote

Chimney sweeps aren’t just a great musical number in Mary Poppins. They’re real people needed for a real service. If your home has a chimney, your home needs a chimney sweep to clean your chimney once a year. Chimney sweeps rid your chimney or creosote, bird nests and other possible fire hazards.

Keep out pests

“Pests” almost seems too nice a word for termites, carpenter ants, roaches and rodents. If you see one of these nasty animals, you’ve probably got many who have taken up residence in your home. Act right away. Save your home from the tremendous damage they can cause and your pocket book from the tremendous costs to treat them with. Get Rid of Roaches NaturallyHow to Bug Proof Your Home

Keep out dirty air filters

Yes, dirty air filters. Keep your HVAC system happy with clean air filters. Your HVAC system must work harder with a dirty filter which means higher utility bills. Your HVAC unit may not last as long as it should with dirty air filters either. Spend as little as $3 each month to save as much as thousands of dollars years later.

These 5 home maintenance and repairs are not something to put off until later. Save yourself time and money later by taking care of these 5 home maintenance and repairs immediately. Owning a home is a huge investment. Take care of your investment.

Need some ideas or local resources for your home maintenance and repairs? Contact The Pikoff Team at (281) 670-1910 today. We’ve got a list of great resources plus 20 years’ worth of experience to help you buy, sell or care for your home.

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