#1 Tip to Get Top Dollar When You Sell

Welcome to my blog series on getting top dollar for your home. If you would like a free market assessment of your home, please call me anytime, I'd be happy to help! 

This first tip is rather obvious, yet it is often overlooked or not done thoroughly. It will also cost you practically nothing unless you hire someone to do it for you and that is to CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN! This means clean your home from top to bottom, inside and out. Bar none, this is first and best place to start when preparing your home for sale. When you clean, pay close attention to detail, such as cleaning in places that you normally wouldn't. Many times, this will eliminate unwanted odors in the home that you may not even be aware of because you're so accustomed to the smell, however faint. Smoke and pet odors can be a huge turnoff to potential buyers. I've been with buyers who wouldn't even enter the home because of this. A home with a bad odor latches onto your clothes and won't let go, I know this from day to day experience.

So grab those cleaning supplies and get to work, I promise it will be well worth your effort!

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