If you've been on the fence about buying or selling it's time to jump in and get in the game...

Posted by Trisha Hope
In the last two weeks mortgage rates have been on the rise....and so have home values.  NOW is the time to BUY and now is the time to SELL.  

Having been in the Real Estate and Mortgage businesses for the last 25 yrs, I have never seen a better time to buy or a better time to sell.  That my dear friends is RARE.  Typically it is either a Buyers market or it is a Seller's market.  Today it is both.  Home values are on the rise and inventory is low.  So from a seller's prospective that is great news.  But home prices are still very reasonable and interest rates are historically low so that certainly benefits the buyer.  

My suggestion...get in the game now because we will not see these conditions again for a very long time.

Contact me today!

Trisha Hope 
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