Two Firsts

You only get TWO chances to make a FIRST impression when your home goes on the market!
The first impression happens on the internet where the majority of buyers initially discover your home as they search different real estate sites. The second impression occurs the moment buyers pull up to the house and walk inside.
A definition of the word "impression" is a strong effect produced on the intellect, feelings, conscience, etc. 2. The first and immediate effect of an experience or perception upon the mind; sensation.
Once your home has been listed for sale the photos should cause buyers to want to take ownership before they even tour it! It should cause a sense of urgency in the buyers intellect and emotions to see your house as soon as possible.
Staging your home is a key element to creating the impression you want buyers to have. New home builders figured it out years ago by staging a model home. Most builders will tell you they sell more of the model home floor plan than the rest of their floor plans.
After you have staged your home, take quick snapshots of every angle of the room. Study those pictures. Do you notice the shelves or the items on the shelves? Do you notice the bed spread is uneven and things are hidden under the bed or do you notice the walls, floors and ceiling fan? Remember, you are trying to sell your house, not the "stuff" in your house. A method I use is to look quickly at a photo paying attention to the first thing my eye goes to. If it is not the fine features of the room, then most likely something needs to be rearranged or removed.
Staging for photos is more extensive than the staging for showing appointments. The photos are frozen in time. For showing appointments, buyers will not notice a "few" items on the counter or a bed spread not perfectly placed because they are in motion, moving from room to room.
Obviously, the second first impression is the actual showing. Make sure buyers experience the WOW factor! If you have staged well, the impression you hope to achieve should appeal to the buyer's intellect and emotions! You want them to feel they GOTTA HAVE IT and RIGHT NOW!
After a full day a buyer has toured several homes. Stage your home to be "UNFORGETTABLE"!

Categories: Home Selling
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