Listings Needed!!

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 I live in The Woodlands and my experience of 23 years selling homes in this area gives me the knowledge and assurance to say that we have never seen the inventory of available homes so low.  And its not just one price point, it is across the board. New home builders are putting homes up as fast as they can but its not fast enough.   When you are checking the listings daily and homes listed last week are OP this week, it means something.   More buyers than sellers.  So, just yesterday, a client asked me if he shouldnt wait for more homes to come on the market---In my opinion, with all the relocation coming our direction and the lack of inventory we are already experiencing, you can expect prices to escalate from here. So, the answer is not to wait, if you find the right home, purchase now.  You might say, I'll wait to put my home on the market until prices are even higher but remember this--if your current home lists for more $, so will the next home you purchase cost more.   These go hand in hand.    Let me get back to my original statement--- We need listings!  Call me, lets get your home on the market-------
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