Using a Realtor to buy New Contructions

Posted by Harith Nelson
Hey everyone! In case you did not know...when shopping for a new home (newly constructed), you CAN use YOUR OWN Realtor! Most people searching for a home drive to a new neighborhood and head straight for the new home sales office to speak to the sales person. It is a little-known fact that the new-home salesperson represents the builder, not YOU. It costs you nothing to have your own representation. As a Realtor, I"m compensated by the builder in a joint effort to bring buyers to their homes. That's right...I represent you in this transaction. I'm there to make sure you are treated fairly. I communicate with the builder throughout the process to make sure your needs are met and your questions are answered. If you or someone you know are in the market for a newly-constructed home, please contact me so I can help! -Harith Nelson, Realtor, The Kalu Group
Categories: Home BuildersGeneral
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