Appointment Scheduling Courtsey

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Email from my Seller: 

Apparently the guy wanted to see the house LAST NIGHT between 7 - 8 (not tonight between 7 -8 as the voice mail indicated)! Oh well.

 Thank you for ‘talking’ with me earlier and understanding and letting me know that I am not the only seller who feels the way I do.

 Thank you for being YOU! Truly!

  I got a call from my seller who was disturbed because an agent tried to schedule a showing with a one hour window...was this normal?  She was sllowing 30 min. he had decided not to show because he had a "CASH" buyer and the time she was allowing didn't work for them.

Is one hour normal, yes and I even will ask for up to two hour window if I think I will need the time to go from one house to another and not make my buyer feel rushed in the process.  When scheduling appointments we have to allow for drive time between houses and viewing time at each house, if the buyer likes the house and wants to take 30 min to check everything out we can't say no you have to go to the next house now because we are on a schedule...this only serves to make everyone feel uncomfortable.  We want buyers to feel like they have the time needed to really check the house out.  After all if it's your house they are looking at you don't want them leaving right away!! 

I tell my sellers to stay home until the agent arrives that way they can feel less put out and the agent can relax if the buyer takes extra time looking at one or two houses. 

Agents, courtesy goes a long way with sellers, if you can't make it in the time the seller has allowed ask for another time or an explanation, don't come back with a remark that will make the seller feel un-easy because their schedule didn't work with yours at that time, never make them feel like they just missed out on the one buyer that would buy their house and pay cash, this almost feels like blackmail!.  What do you have to gain?  You can loose negotiating power by coming off that you or the buyer have been inconvienced so as pay back you just lost a cash buyer, if that ends up being the house you make an offer on do you think the seller will forget and over look how you made them feel?

Selling your house is an emotional and exhausting time, sellers put a lot of preasure on themselves making sure the house is perfect for your buyer, they do not need the extra preasure from the buyers agent. 

If you can't make the appointment call and cancel, always leave feedback but remember to be contructive.

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