Showing Etiquette 101

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    Organizing a house tour is not as simple as it sounds. Each property must be scheduled in a logical order, and this means calling multiple numbers and/or agents who then call homeowners to get showing approval, then information like alarm codes and pet names.  When a tour is prepared I must estimate how long a buyer will stay in a property and how long we'll need to travel to the next one.  Will my client need to stop for food or drink?    What if they want to skip one property?  What if they're super slow or super fast lookers?  That means calling all of the subsequent properties to shift the time up. 
     When a buyer desperately wants to see a house they sometimes forget that these houses are occupied -- sometimes sellers need more warning to prepare for a showing.  It is good to give your Realtor advance notice that you'd want to see a house, because then you respect that sellers have a life in their home too. If it's vacant this does not apply.  
      Imagine someone showing up to your house within 10 minutes -- you've got to be out of there right away!  Does your house have a weird smell from cooking or need vaccuming? Dirty dishes? unmade beds? Messy children? babies sleeping? Guests in town?  These are all situations that sometimes can't be fixed within 20 minutes notice.  
    I've seen some disturbing things in houses that were clearly not ready to show:  Drug paraphenalia left on a coffee table.  Used "protection" on the floor.  Dead roaches all over the place.  Shattered windows, mold infestation. I am not kidding!  Sellers, remember that how you sell a home is not how you normally live in a home.  Please don't make it disturbing for buyers.   It's downright stressful and overwhelming to have your home on the market but you want to make the best impression with every opportunity.  Buyers, remember that not everyone is perfect in their presentation.  I will be there to remind you to look at the HOUSE and not the STUFF.  That is, once we get in to see the property!
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