How to Sell a Hard to Sell House in Today's Market

Well, first of all, you should know that there is no such thing as a house that "can't sell". Don't get me wrong. There are alot of houses that are less than desireable to buyers, whether it is because of the location, exterior lacks curb apeal, dated interior in need of upgrades, the floorplan is odd or cut up, or the condition of the homes surrounding it. In other words, identifying which category your home falls into will help you to determine a strategy for selling. There are some steps you can take to make your home more appealing in today's market. First, how does your home compare with other homes for sale in the area. Are you priced higher, lower or in the middle. The important thing is to be competative with other homes in your location. A realtor can determine what price point you should be at. They will research other homes that sold and how long they were on market. Listing at a lower price isn't always a bad idea because usually it will get the attention of multiple buyers and hense multiple offers which will drive the price up.
Having a "ugly" or undesireable home isn't always a deal breaker. Think about the reasons you  bought the home. There are other people just like you who are less impressed with the outward appearance of a home or even the location and are just looking for a place to settle in. It can be more challenging to find these buyers, but marketing more can be your best option.  Interview your agent and ask them how they advertise. If they don't do alot of advertising or marketing, choose someone who does. The reasoning: it doesn't matter how great a home is, if no one can see it. For someone who has a challenging house to sell, it is imperative that you get all the attention that you can. Think of marketing to a wide spectrum of potential buyers.
Don't go with the agent that just tells you what you want to hear. I know this can be hard but some agents will tell the buyer a price they want to get and that is not necessarily the price that the home will sell for. The agent wants the listing so bad they will do anything to get it. Run from this agent. We at The Kennedy Team are always spot on when it comes to pricing a home. Most of ours will sell close to list price. We are always honest with our sellers and show them homes that sold in the last 6 months in their area. That way they can see that the price we suggest is one that is believable.
I firmly believe that there is a buyer for every home out there. That being said, you must hire someone who is willing to put extra effort into finding that person. Interview your agent and make sure that they are knowledgeable and have your best interests in mind. Leave the hard work to us!

Categories: Housing Market
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