Appraisals for Getting a House Loan!

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 Wow!  Welcome to the 21st Century.  I think of myself as being fairly technology savvy - but, maybe that is not so true.  Every day there is some new thing to learn or experience - technology wise - whether its a new cell phone or a new computer program.  We Realtors used to just need to know our real estate business - now, we have even more to keep up with.  Makes life interesting though.  I love Facebook now that I have "mastered" that - now, I am starting a blog. 

BUT,  I do have a lot of information to share.  So I will do this as need be and share what I learn.  Real Estate rules are changing daily - so check in here once in a while and learn something new to talk about with your friends. 

I learned today that Sales comparables for mortgage underwriting and appraisals now must be within 90 Days- Whoa -thats crazy.  Some areas have not seen a recent sale in six months and to do an appraisal you generally have to have at least 3 comparable sales.  How hard is it going to be for us to get mortgage appraisals now??

Always something new! You can email or call me if you want more information about that little post. 

I'll be Back!!
Categories: Housing Market
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