Real Estate Supply and Demand

Everyone is in the real estate market.  If you rent, own, live with your parents, go to the office, go to the corner store or shop at Macy's, you are in the real estate market.  It is the cornerstone of American Society.  (Home - Apple Pie - Mother -- notice which one comes first!)

As far-reaching and complex as the real estate market is, it is also controlled by a very basic economic principle:  supply and demand.  (This link will give you Wikipedia's definition of supply and demand.)  Supply and demand controls the price (not "value," which has its own definition and is quite complex) of real estate in the marketplace.  Everyone understands the price . . . what you can expect to pay for something.  How much is the rent, how much is this house, how much down, how much per month.....all pricing issues.  And based on the available supply as compared to the demand, the price will be determined. 

It's been said that real estate is worth "what a willing buyer will pay and a willing seller will take."  And, simple though it is, that is really how prices are determined.  So, how does anyone know what that amount is?  Truth is, they don't.  Not your lender, not the taxing authority, not the appraiser, not your Realtor.  But . . . an estimate can be made based on certain criteria and an astute "feel" of the market by a professional who works in it every day.

Real estate is an "imperfect" market.  The easiest way to understand an "imperfect" market is to consider what a "perfect" market is.  For example, the stock market is a "perfect" market because you know at any moment how much a certain stock is worth.  Just check online!  But with real estate, nobody knows until the realty is sold, closed, and money changes hands!  Then you know what it is (or was) worth!I spend my days analyzing the trends in the market to help buyers and sellers make sense of pricing.  Estimating value is what I do -- day in and day out.  But does that mean "I know value?"  It most certainly does not!  In fact, anyone who can tell you that they "know" what a piece of real estate is worth should not be taken seriously!  They can't know!  They can only estimate.  And estimating value is an art . . . a skill that can only get better with time, experience, and many properties bought and sold for many clients. 

And my friends, that's what you get with the Brenda Bass.  Experience.  Honesty.  Integrity and Skills.

Thinking of Buying or Selling Real Estate?  Think Brenda Bass!  Thank you . . . and please share my blog post today with your friends who are not achieving their goals in today's market.  I want to help.

And . . . Happy Thanksgiving . . . we are blessed to be Americans, where everyone fights to be!  Best Wishes to you and yours in this most American holiday season!  - Brenda

Serving the needs of home buyers and home sellers in Humble, Texas is what I do.  I live and work here, raised my children here, and enjoy all of the cool places around town.  Feel free to call me any time!  713-443-SOLD(7653) -Brenda Bass is proud to serve Humble, Texas as a successful REALTOR!  I may not be the #1 in the area but am surely in the "Top 20"...Not everyone can be #1 but seems like alot of Realtors say they are #1...Please "friend" me on Http://

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