Economic Focus - It's Just Not the Economy

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Volume 14, Issue 40 For the week of November 01, 2010

It's Not Just The Economy, Stupid!

In the political heat of election rhetoric, the tendency is to focus on those issues that are close at hand. On the local level it is schools, parks, streets, fire and police, public works, pensions and shrinking revenues. State wide it is much the same. On a national level, the ills run much deeper.
The financial pickle the US finds itself in did not start two years ago with the current administration, although Washington has exasperated it. No, it started with the post WWII boatload of entitlement programs placed on the economy. They might have been well meaning but they were ill conceived with no limitations or bailouts put in place.
Subsequent politicians from all parties can share the blame for the present economic conditions.
The problems and cures are not limited to jobs, jobs, jobs, or taxing and spending. The condition of the economy was not caused by campaign slogans and neither will the cure come in other campaign slogans.
For sure we need to take a timeout and take a true reality check recognizing all of the issues and then put into action a plan that will address the long-term hemorrhaging of the economy.
What we are feeling is not a topical condition, it has become systemic.
Treating the superficial effects of a serious illness may bring temporary relief, but in time one will relapse into a more serious condition.
Even California recognizes they have to address the entitlement and pension programs in order to achieve fiscal health.
Other nations, such as Great Briton, France and Ireland are addressing the fundamental causes of their economic woes.
No entity, be it a household or governing body can expect to survive if they ignore a major portion of their liabilities. In the case of our national government it is the unfunded liabilities that they have kept ?off budget? for years and years. These line items now are beginning to fester. And Washington?s answer has been to pile more programs/liabilities on the economic ship. Well, the ship wont can?t carry much more and stay afloat.
Sure, we need to address jobs, taxing and spending but the real cure will only come when we recognize and address the underlining issues. This is what this election season should be all about, they are everyone?s issues.
Economic Focus
Categories: Home BuyingHome SellingGeneral
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