Top 7 Tips To Attract the Best Offers for Your Home

Home sellers were in their heyday not long ago, as historically low mortgage rates triggered a real estate buying frenzy. However, the Federal Reserve shut down the party when it began raising interest rates last year.1

Now, it’s not as simple to sell a home. While pandemic-era homebuyers were racing the clock—trying to lock in a low mortgage rate and gain a foothold in the market—current buyers are more discerning. Higher prices and mortgage rates have pushed their affordability limits, leading them to prioritize cost, condition, and overall value.2

Home inventory remains low, so most properties will still sell with some basic prep, the right price, and a good real estate agent. However, owners who go the extra mile are more likely to sell faster and for a higher amount.

If you have plans to sell your home and want to net the most money possible, this list is for you. Here are our top seven strategies to attract the best offers and maximize your real estate returns.



Many homebuyers hire a professional to complete a home inspection before they close. But did you know that a seller can order their inspection, known as a pre-listing inspection before they put their home on the market?

Having a pre-listing inspection on hand and ready to share shows interested buyers that you’re committed to a transparent transaction. This can help you market your home, strengthen your negotiating position, and minimize roadblocks to closing.3

Of course, it’s always possible that a pre-listing inspection—which looks at the home’s major systems and structures, among other things—could become a significant problem. This carries some risk, as you’ll be required to fix or disclose any issues to potential buyers. However, in most cases, it’s better to know about and address deficiencies upfront than to find out mid-transaction, when it could cost you more in concessions, a delayed closing, or a canceled sale.

We can help you decide if a pre-listing inspection is right for you. If it identifies any concerns, we can advise on which items need attention before you list your home.



Embarking on major renovations before putting your home on the market doesn’t always make financial (or logistical) sense. However, certain upgrades are more likely to pay off and can help elevate your home in the eyes of buyers.

For example, refinishing hardwood floors results in an average 147% return on investment at resale and new garage doors typically pay for themselves.4 Similarly, research shows that professional landscaping can boost a home’s value by as much as 20%.5

Often, even simpler and less expensive fixes can make a big difference in how your home comes across to buyers. A fresh coat of paint in a neutral color, modern light fixtures and hardware, and new caulk around the tub or shower can help your property look its best.5

But before you make any changes to your home, reach out. We know what buyers in your neighborhood are looking for and can help you decide if a particular investment is worthwhile.



To get standout offers, you need potential buyers to fall in love with your home—and they’re much more likely to do so if they can envision themselves in the space.

That’s where home staging comes in. Staging can include everything from decluttering and packing away personal items to bringing in neutral furniture and accessories for showings and open houses.

According to the National Association of Realtors, home staging can both increase the dollar value of home offers and help a property sell faster. In fact, 53% of seller’s agents agree that staging decreases the amount of time a home spends on the market, and 44% of buyer’s agents see higher offers for staged homes.6

There’s plenty of strategy and research behind the process, so it’s smart to consider a professional. Reach out for a connection to one of our recommended home stagers who can help your property show its full potential.

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