Just How Quickly Do Staged Homes Really Sell?

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According to www.Staging101.com, "research shows that well staged homes sell approximately 32% faster than non-staged homes. They also sell for 3 to 10% more."

In the real world of real estate, is this true....most definitely
, provided that....and I am serious about this...the house is PRICED RIGHT!

Price and location are still the #1 factors for a quick home sell.  Do homes that are staged well fair better then those that aren't? Well, sure they do!  If all else is fair and equal.  For instance, two homes practically identical in price, location, size, etc....one staged and the other not.  Yes!  The staged home will sell faster because let's face it, buyers buy on emotion (most buyers I should say, I have seen those unique individuals that actually can vision the home without furniture and fluff).  

But, all in all, good old fashioned real estate strategy of pricing the home right is still the kicker.

An overpriced home, staged well, will not sell.

A well priced home, not staged, will sell.

An underpriced home, not staged, will sell.

Let's also talk about features and hinderances.  Another item to consider is if there is a feature of the home that will cause the buyer to cringe when they walk through the door.  You know those things well....the home that backs up to a busy street where you can hear traffic zooming by, the home with 1990's faux paint, the home with worn carpet and different types of flooring throughout, or the home with an outdated kitchen. When it comes to staging, you'll want to downplay those things as much as possible. Sometimes with the right furniture placement or decor, you can mask those unsightly views. 

For instance, the best way to cover up the sounds of those cars zooming by is to play music or create an oasis by planting inexpensive plants and position a water fountain or waterfall near the backyard patio entrance to the home with seating.

How about that outdated kitchen? The best thing to do for an outdated kitchen is to CLEAN and MINIMIZE!  Give the kitchen a sparkling clean then position small decorative items around the kitchen to modernize it. Try placing a small island cart, if there isn't an island. Don't forget fresh fruit or flowers to give that overall clean feeling.

Staging is a very important idea if you first have considered price, location, and home features.  Once you're priced right.  Staging can be valuable to your home-selling process.

Wishing you much luck and blessings as you go forth and....sell that home!
Categories: Home Selling
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