Divorce Support, 5 People you in your corner

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Today were going to talk about divorce support what do we mean when we say divorce support. Whos going to be able to support me through these times, but when we talk about the divorce support, were talking about the people that are going to surround you that are actually going to help you walk through this divorce. 

You need to build a smart team of people around you to help you make informed decisions all along the way because there are a lot of areas in divorce.

1. Family Law Attorney  

First and foremost, as a family law attorney so the first thing you need to do is be seeking out who you want to represent you and we dont mean ask your buddy who does business law whos probably fabulous, but you really need to find someone whos in family law. Find that attorney and interview them there are questions if you download our free divorce resource at mydivorcerealestate.com

Theres a whole slew of questions that can help you when interviewing a Family law attorney and you know find out the people that are in your area that work in your county that you know have working relationships in both counties surrounding where youre at that are contiguous to most of the time, they kind of go back and forth from the different counties and courthouses. We recommend you know to get an attorney that you feel comfortable with because they are going to be with you for you know quite a bit of time in Texas, usually, you know theres about a 60-day waiting period once you even file for divorce. Knowing and trusting your attorney is important when youre working with and making sure that they have done family law work before. Making sure it is not their first time would be advisable not to mention to you lets say its five years down the road and you have to make a modification for your decree it’s best if you can go back to the same attorney if you were pleased. That is family law-related so you can make that modification as well. If you need to be connected with a good Family Law Attorney, contact us today and we can help you get connected and help you find the right attorney basic to your needs. 

2. Financial Advisor / CDFA 

Number two is going to be the financial advisor this is going to be a big one too because the financial advisor is going to help you maybe divide those assets and we actually work with a lot of financial advisors that are actually CDFAs which stands for certified divorce financial analyst

So, do you have to have a CDFA? No, you dont have to have a CDFA, but theyre just going to be a little bit more attuned to helping people through the divorce situation because theyve dealt with that. Theyve had some additional training right, so theyre niched in the divorce arena. Thats who we always recommend is people that deal with the divorce you know arena all the time. You want them to live eat, breathe, and sleep all of it divorce because they know, and they know what youre going through as well. 

Financial advisors can come in regarding the division of assets they can also help you if youre getting a large settlement and you need a plan for the future this is all the money youre going to have. Or what if youre on disability, what if you cant work you know its worth investing in yourself to get the outcome that you need for the future exactly what you know theyre kind of like. I would do an analogy to like theyre you know you want a trainer if youve never been in the gym before. If youve never dealt with money before because youre never going through a divorce, you probably want somebody in your corner going to help you with the money. 

3. Divorce Real Estate Specialist 

On this list is going to be a real estate agent so but not just any real estate agent right not just any no you need to find one that specializes in divorce that has dealt with those types of cases before that are all over the place. They again live, eat, sleep, breathe divorce and possibly have certain designations or certifications.

CDS Certified Divorce Specialist

Those are letters behind your name, what really is key is what are they doing on a daily basis that is in the divorce arena. That can help you we provide an action plan for our clients and help them work with their attorneys and we are a neutral voice for all parties our goal isnt to sell the home our goal is to help people that come to us make an informed decision about what theyre going to do with the home. Whether that keeps it refinance it sell it you know whether you know weve both been through divorce and you know the deal with a lot of people in the industry that have helped people through divorce, and we have dealt with a lot of clients that have gone through a divorce so we do see this on a daily basis and we just want to our goal is just to help people. 

So, its important that you dont just find any real estate agent because what comes with the real estate agent if youre working with a divorce specialist, theyre going to have those connections for you maybe they even work with attorneys that they can refer you to or financial CDFAs. I know we do and thats the whole goal of coming to us is were not just us we have a team of people that we can provide for you to be on your team, so we have family law attorneys, financial advisors CDFA, and a real estate agent that specializes in divorce. 

4.  Divorce Coach or Counselor 

On the list is going to be a coach or a counselor so everyones like oh a coach, I dont need a coach well a coach can come in real handy when you are going through the ups and downs and ebbs and flows of divorce. That you know are emotional you think, I cant take time to spend money on that, but you have to invest in yourself to be able to make the outcome better for yourself. Whether you hire a coach and you know again if you hire the right people initially, they can refer you to those people if theyre working in the divorce arena. 

Maybe you just need a counselor, maybe your kids need a counselor, maybe theyre teens, and theyre going through a hard time. Thats something that we always are making connections with here locally so we can provide resources for our clients. Its super imperative to get the mental help that you might need to keep you stable. Make those informed decisions even if its just a person thats an outlet for you to communicate with that has no bias toward either one of you. Were really big on making sure that you get right with yourself, especially going through a divorce because its just as dramatic as a death right so dealing with those emotions is important, and either whether its a coach or the counselor, we do believe that thats going to be part of this equation yes theres nothing wrong with seeing a counselor.

5. Title Company for Real Estate Needs  

The fifth person on your team should be a title company youre probably going, who? Do I get that? and how? Well, theres why. We do recommend having a title company help you because whether you are going to keep the house or sell the home title search is going to come up and see if theres anything on the title of the property. You dont want to have a cloud a title about something when you go to sell or go to refinance. 

Then its a big surprise to you so like, what well we could have you know a mechanic lien, might be something you know you had some work done you paid the contractor you thought your spouse paid the contractor. Well, maybe you paid the guy that came but not the boss. You know he didnt get paid there are all kinds of janky things that can happen. Also, you know things with like a roofing company, he makes claim, but then it doesnt get taken care of so that if you had a mechanics lien on there. We can find it in advance, it saves the trouble of reworking the numbers at the end when you go to if youre going to sell or even if youre going to buy out your spouse. If that roof was ten thousand dollars, there are ten thousand dollars you got to account for a bill that needs to be paid down. 

Maybe property taxes didnt get paid or maybe also there is a HELOC (home equity line of credit) that was opened up right. A HELCO was opened that you didnt know about. There could be any number of things that we just recommend, that you go ahead and just we can start that process and see what’s get all the information on the table to make sure you can make that informed decision about what youre doing with the home. Your Home is which is usually your largest asset typically. When youre working with a real estate agent to sell your home, the title company is where you close on your home. If youre going to sell it, you need to pay off the mortgage, and youll be closing most real estate agents have relationships with title companies. We particularly have ones that we can run title searches if we know the house is going to be sold in advance. Not all of them will do that, but we do think that something that needs to be in your back pocket. 

The people that youre working with can also draft up special warranty deeds and other documents that you might need as well and rather than having your attorney do it. 

So, theres divorce support and you probably were thinking, I meant something else today, but those are the five people you should be looking at to have on your team. Your Family law attorney, your financial advisor or CDFA, your real estate agent that specializes in divorce, a coach or counselor, and last but not least your title company. You can get a lot of these things by working with just one person if they have the connections, and if theyre there to create this plan for you to walk beside you through the path. 

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We are local Realtors with the knowledge you need.  

Opening Doors to New Beginnings - Divorce Support is Our Mission. Assisting divorcing couples in making informed real estate decisions while preserving future homeownership 


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Every Clients future is important to the Gifford Group.  

You can reach both Scotty Gifford and Amber Gifford at https://thegiffordgroup.net 

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